Police appeal after two chickens stolen from Curridge coop

Thames Valley Police have notified the public that a few farmyard pets were taken from their home in Marsh Lane, Curridge.

Two chickens were stolen from a chicken coop within the space of two days, leaving authorities and neighbours alike pretty perplexed. The coop also had its door removed.

In a public statement a spokesperson for Thames Valley Police said the following:

“Between 8.30am April 13 and 8.30am April 15, offenders removed the door from a walk-in chicken coop and stole two chickens.

“If you have any information, please contact the Police Enquiry Centre on 101 and quote the crime reference number 43240171815.”

If you live in the area, please keep an eye out for any rogue chickens whilst out on your travels.

Reading Chronicle | West Berkshire